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GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml
GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml
GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml
GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml
Product image 1GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml
Product image 2GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml
Product image 3GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml
Product image 4GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml

GTECHNIQ 水晶精华光 CSL 5 年油漆保护涂层 - 30ml/50ml

Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 65 reviews

正常价格 $126.50 AUD 售价 $126.50 AUD

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  • 1 X Gtechniq 水晶精华液 Light CSL - 30ml/50ml
  • 1 X Gtechniq AP2 涂抹垫 x 1

使用 Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light 来优化车辆的保护和光泽,这是广受好评的 GTECHNIQ 漆面保护系列中领先的专业消费者选择。此版本类似于专业级 Crystal Serum Ultra,可发挥高达 80% 的性能,并且如果使用不当,还可以通过机器抛光进行纠正。


  • 持久光泽:实现持久的高光泽效果,其效果优于传统的漆面保护方法,可长期保持卓越的光泽。
  • 抗漩涡和污染物:水晶精华光能出色地抵抗漩涡痕迹、环境污染物和污垢,让您的汽车保持原始状态。
  • 高级 9H 陶瓷涂层:这种化学粘合的无机光学透明 9H 陶瓷层可确保出色的保护和易于维护。


  • 广泛的耐化学性:可有效抵抗 pH 值为 2 至 12 的化学物质,有助于去除树液、焦油和硬水斑等顽固污染物。
  • 极端温度耐受性:与传统蜡和聚合物涂层不同,Crystal Serum Light 可承受 -40°C 至 +250°C 的温度,在任何气候下提供无与伦比的保护。

Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light 是漆面保护技术的前沿,提供易于使用的解决方案,不会影响专业品质的效果。其创新配方不仅增强了车辆的视觉吸引力,还大大减少了维护工作量。

使用 Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light 提升您的汽车护理体验,在漆面保护方面实现性能、耐用性和美观性的终极平衡。

由 GTECHNIQ 认证细节师使用的 Crystal Serum Light 享有 5 年保修。

被评为最佳防护产品——Detail Store 年度奖。


  • 用户友好型应用程序:专为轻松应用而设计,非常适合 DIY 爱好者和专业细节设计师。
  • 卓越的光泽度:实现无与伦比的高光泽度,增强您车辆的美感。
  • 持久的抗旋涡性: CSL 的先进配方可提供强大的保护,防止洗涤引起的旋涡和划痕。
  • 光滑、抗污染的表面:形成一道阻挡灰尘和污染物的屏障,使清洁您的汽车更容易、更有效。
  • 增强的防污保护:防止工业污染物和环境尘埃造成的污渍,保持汽车的原始外观。
  • 专业级保护:仅需一层即可提供 Crystal Serum Ultra 所提供的强大保护的 80%。
  • 可通过抛光去除:与永久性涂层不同,如果需要,可以使用传统的 3 阶段抛光方法进行校正。
  • 可分层提供额外防御:可灵活添加层以增强对元素的防护。
  • 与其他涂层兼容:可与EXOv5 超耐久疏水涂层C2v3 液晶一起使用,以增加光泽度和疏水性。


  1. 确保您的车辆停在室内,并在使用后 12 小时内留在室内。使用期间避免阳光直射。
  2. 仅当温度介于 5°C 至 25°C 之间时才使用 CSL。
  3. 使用前请摇匀产品并戴上防护手套。
  4. 使用 W6 彻底清洗和净化车辆油漆,然后再涂抹。如有必要,请用机器或手工抛光油漆以去除任何瑕疵。
  5. 将喷洒的面板擦拭布涂抹到Gtechniq MF1 超细纤维布上,然后分成小块仔细地擦拭每个面板。
  6. 用移液器吸取 3 满量程的 CSL 浸泡应用垫,确保液体均匀分布在垫内。
  7. 使用后立即盖上瓶子,以防止过早固化。使用时请勿将瓶子握在手中。
  8. 将 CSL 以重叠的方式涂抹到一小块区域(大约 2 英尺 x 2 英尺),或与车辆的车身线条对齐以获取引导。
  9. 涂抹 10 到 15 秒后,立即用 MF1 布清除残留物。您可能需要轻轻擦拭该区域多次。建议同时使用两块布以提高效率,并避免 CSL 在布中固化,这会使残留物清除变得复杂。
  10. 使用明亮的散射光源检查处理过的表面,确保没有留下任何残留物。
  11. 如果残留物已完全固化,请抛光受影响的区域并重新涂抹 CSL。
  12. 完成后,立即将使用过的 MF1 布放入水中,并确保尽快清洗和干燥。
  13. 涂抹 CSL 后约等待 2 小时,再涂抹EXOv5 超耐久疏水涂层C2v3 液晶以获得额外保护。
  14. 将 CSL 存放在阴凉干燥的地方。
  15. 为获得最佳效果,请于开封后 3 个月内使用产品。

    average rating 5.0 out of 5
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    98% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend
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    65 Reviews
    Reviewed by Joel J.
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    So far the best and easiest to apply coating

    Rated 4 out of 5
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    Reviewed by Conrad B.
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    Rated 5 out of 5
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    Excellent product

    I've used this on many vehicles. Works well and lasts. Just completed a BT50 with a large box. Used almost a full 50ml bottle. Will buy this product again from Detailstore. Best price and fast delivery

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    Reviewed by Rob G.
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    Great relatively easy product to use.

    Great product with nice finish. Need to make sure with application that no high spots are formed on panels prior to application. This seems to be a lot worse with dark colours such as black.

    Product holds up exceptionally well in protecting vehicle paint.

    Like all quality products the finish depends upon your preparation.

    In my case I

    1/ wash and clean the vehicle

    2/ Clay bar to remove contaminants still on the paint.

    3/ Stage 1 paint correction with elliptical polisher

    4/ Stage 2 paint correction with elliptical polisher ( finer polish and foam pad”

    5/ Decontaminate paint surfaces

    6/ Apply GTechniq Ultrawhich is probably the easy part being careful to do one panel at a time, masking off other panels so that no product gets on them to form a “high spot” prior to applying GTechniq Ultra.

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    Reviewed by Rob G.
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    Rated 4 out of 5
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    Great product however like all ceramic coatings it is over priced by a huge margin.

    Great product and generally fairly easy to apply. Beware of leaving a high spot on an adjacent panel as it will be visible when you do that panel. Particularly noticeable on dark coloured cars and metallics.

    Have done many cars with it but reluctantly only purchase it when on special or discounted as at $192 for 50ml it is expensive.

    Before using it I wash the vehicle, clay bar it and elliptical do a two stage correction before applying GTevhniq..

    I have used it on many of my vehicles and it does work well. Time will tell as to how long it holds up. Hopefully for quite a few years.

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    Reviewed by Kirra S.
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    Rated 5 out of 5
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    Beginner friendly

    Really good and easy to use product, had just enough to coat my whole dual cab hilux did start out abit heavy tho. Once the pad is wet (4-5 whole drops) you only really need 1-2 after that. Goes on heaps easy and wipes off just as much and leaves a nice gloss and hyrdpphobic properties to the paint highly recommened

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